Grøntsagsfond i gryde

Vegetable Stock


Vegetable stock is used in many dishes and adds great flavour to sauces, soups, risottos and other dishes.


Vegetable Stock

8 pcs. Carrot

1 pcs. Celery

3 pcs. Onion

2 pcs. Garlic cloves

4 pcs. Bay leaves

1 tbsp. Thyme, dried

Fresh parsley , a bunch

10 pcs. Peppercorns, whole

Water as needed


Prepare the vegetables

Rinse the vegetables and cut off the top and bottom. There is no need to peel them. Cut them into rough pieces, about ½-2 cm.Crush the garlic cloves with the flat side of a knife.Note: The quantity of vegetables is guideline. Just make sure that the onion, carrot and celery are about 1/3 each.

Cook the stock

Add the vegetables to a saucepan. Then add the bay leaves, thyme, fresh parsley and peppercorns. Cover with water. Set the temperature to 100 °C and leave to simmer for 2 hours with the lid on.Strain the vegetables. Now you have a good strong vegetable stock.