Glace Beurre Monté


Glace Beurre Monté is a very easy sauce to make if you already have a ready-made glaze. If you don’t have a glaze, you can make a quick pan sauce the same way. Fry your meat. Remove the meat and add a little liquid to the pan. Boil it down and then mount with the butter. A super easy way to make a delicious sauce.


Glace Beurre Monté

1 dl Glace, from dark stock

120 gram Butter, soft


Make the sauce

Heat a frying pan or saucepan to 75 °C.

Melt the glaze.

Cut the butter into cubes.

Whisk in the butter a little at a time until the sauce is thick and creamy.


If you don’t have a glaze, you can make a quick pan sauce instead. Fry your meat and remove it from the pan. Turn down the heat to 75 ºC. Add some liquid (stock, water, wine etc.) to the pan and bring to a boil. Then whisk in the butter as described in the previous section.