Achieve crispy results when deep frying at home

Get restaurant-like deep frying results at home. With Ztove you do not have to worry about your oil being too hot or too cold.

Achieve restaurant quality in your own kitchen

Many dishes taste better deep-fried, but you only really get them in restaurants because deep-frying at home is a hassle. Restaurants invest in large equipment that can cost thousands and thousands of euros. These appliances are temperature-controlled, which ensures crispy results every time.

Når du frituresteger med Ztove kan du få samme resultater, som du er vant til at få på restauranter

How hot should the oil be for deep frying?

The temperature of the oil is crucial when deep-frying. The food will absorb a lot of oil if it is too cold. This problem makes the food more oily and gives you a soggy result. However, it is equally important that the oil is not too hot. If the oil is too hot, you risk food that will burn on the outside before it is cooked in the centre.

Between 160 °C – 200 °C is great

When deep frying, the temperature should be between 160 ºC – 200 ºC – depending on what you are frying. The temperature should be kept as stable as possible for the best result. Ztove works really well when deep frying, even better than the traditional deep fryer.

The traditional deep fryer, which has to be plugged in, provides 2 KW of power (can vary). When you use a pot on Ztove you get 3.5 KW. This fact means that the temperature can be stabilized much quicker. Then from 30 ºC to 40 ºC, you add the food, so it is essential that the temperature quickly gets back to where it was before the food was added. In fact, the value of the high power is so great that with Ztove, you can deep fry frozen fries from cold oil and still get the same crispy result you are used to. The high power helps to ensure a crispier result, it allows you to add more food to the oil at once, and the food gets cooked faster.

Which oil should I use for deep frying?

Vegetable oils that have a high smoke point are best for deep-frying. We are talking about refined sunflower oil, peanut oil and canola oil – canola oil is particularly suitable. You can also find mixed oils that are suitable for deep frying.

In general, we recommend that you use good quality oil. It may be more expensive, but it can be reused up to 10 times if you store it properly and strain out food debris when you pour it into a container. The only “problem” is that the oil takes on a small amount of flavor from the food you first cooked in it.

How to make french fries?

Crispy store-bought fries

The Best from Frozen French Fries

See below for how to make the crispiest french fries directly from frozen; you don’t even need to preheat the oil. The time varies depending on the frozen fries you have bought. It usually takes 12-15 minutes to get them just perfect. You can find the full recipe here.

Sprøde pomfritter af ovnbagte kartoflerHomemade Fries

Homemade fries can be truly exceptional. We’ve crafted a recipe using pre-baked potatoes, resulting in fries with a crispy exterior and a delightfully soft interior. The full recipe can be found here.

More about deep fat frying

If you’re more curious about deep frying, take a look here; perhaps we have an answer to your question.

What pot should to use for deep frying?

In principle, you can use any pot for deep frying, but using a regular pot it can be challenging to maintain a consistent temperature in the oil. This can result in the oil being either too cold or too hot, causing your food to either absorb too much oil or burn before it’s cooked through. When using a regular pot, you also need an external thermometer to monitor the oil temperature.

Another option is to invest in a deep fat fryer. This type of pot is specifically designed for deep frying but often takes up a significant amount of space. On the positive side, a deep fat fryer allows you to set the desired oil temperature, and the pot ensures it maintains that temperature throughout the cooking process.

A third option is to get a temperature-controlled pot. With this type of pot, like with a deep fat fryer, you can set the desired temperature, and the pot ensures it remains constant throughout the cooking process. The difference is that you can also use the temperature-controlled pot as a regular pot, eliminating the need for extra equipment taking up space in your kitchen. Moreover, the pot can even be used for sous-vide cooking if you’re interested in trying that.

Check out Ztove’s selection of temperature-controlled pots here.

What food is suitable for deep frying?

There are countless things you can deep fry – it’s almost only your imagination that sets the limits.

Among dishes and ingredients suitable for deep frying, we can mention:

  1. Potatoes – delicious both as french fries and chips.
  2. Onions – either as fried onions or breaded onion rings.
  3. Cheese – Mozzarella sticks or chili cheese tops from the freezer.
  4. Vegetables – make the most delicious crispy tempura vegetables by dipping them in tempura batter.
  5. Fish and shrimp – dip fish or shrimp in either breading or tempura batter and make homemade fish and chips or deep-fried shrimp for your sushi.
  6. Cake – classic deep-fried cakes include donuts and churros.
  7. Falafel – crispy vegetarian patties made from chickpeas.
Can I reuse frying oil?

Yes, you can reuse frying oil.

Allow the oil to cool completely after use and then pour it into an airtight container. There may be some sediment at the bottom of the pot; avoid pouring that into the container.

If you choose to reuse your frying oil, be aware that the oil can take on the flavours of what you fry in it. So, if, for example, you’ve fried falafels, it might not be the oil you want to use if you plan to make donuts.

How to fry store bought frozen fries?

There are two ways to deep-fry frozen fries with Ztove’s temperature control.

You can either choose to preheat the oil to 220 °C for about 10 minutes. Then, add the frozen fries and fry them for approximately 7 minutes until they float and turn golden. The cooking time depends on the thickness of the fries you purchased.

The second method is to place the fries directly into the cold oil and turn on full power (P) to 220 °C. Here, the fries should take about 12 minutes in total until they float and are golden, again depending on the thickness of the fries. Ztove is so powerful and quick to heat that you can make fries directly in cold oil.

You can find the full recipe for frozen fries, with both methods, right here.

What is the best oil for pan frying?

The best oil for deep frying depends on what you are preparing. Often, neutral-flavoured oils like sunflower, rapeseed, or grape seed oil are good choices, but if you know the temperature and can ensure it’s not too high, we always recommend butter.

If you want the flavour of butter but need to fry at high temperatures, ghee or clarified butter is excellent!

You can find the recipe for clarified butter right here.

If you like the taste of olive oil, it is just as good as many others. The common factor is that you should maintain a stable temperature for the best results.