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We know this page probably wasn’t what you were trying to find. But not to worry! Enjoy this collection of plain food jokes instead.

Plain food jokes

A collection of plain jokes about food.

Do you know of a joke, that we should add to the collection?

Which friends should you always take out to dinner?

Your taste buds.

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese.

What kind of vegetable is known for spoiling?

A leek.

Knock-knock. Who’s there? Toph. Toph who?

Sorry, we don’t serve tofu.


What’s the best food to eat before a workout?


Why did the banana go to the doctor?

Because it wasn’t peeling well.

Where do you learn to make banana splits?

At sundae school.

What did the hungry computer eat?

Chips — one byte at a time.

Why did the tomato blush?

Because it saw the salad dressing.

What term do we use for a group of strawberries playing guitar?

A jam session.

Why do the French like to eat snails?

Because they don’t like fast food.

If you made it this far you are clearly not in a hurry. Neither are we.

If you want to chat about food and temperature control, feel free to open the chat (in the left corner) and ask us anything.

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